Friday, May 21, 2010

Joyeux Anniversaire!

I have been trying to post for a while now, but the internet here is so slow that I feel like I need to have a good block of time to get this loaded! I have lots of new stories to tell though, so tune in!

First and foremost, my dad's (hi dad!!) birthday was this past Wednesday, and I have been trying to load this picture for him ever since!

As some of you may have guessed, the sign says Happy
Birthday in French. So Happy Birthday, Daddy!
You are the greatest, love you!!

In addition, to May 19th being my dad's birthday, it was also Arya's birthday. We celebrated. All I have to say is that I need to learn not to get on skype after getting home from the bars at three in the morning. The lucky person that I got to speak to in a drunken state was my mother and younger sister. Sorry, mom, but at least you know I am alive and well!

Kelsey, Katy, Caitlin, and I

Birthday boy & Drew

Will, pinky out.

Group shot

Another group shot

Saba and Arya

Kelsey, Katy, Caitlin and I again!

Having fun!

I started classes this past week. They have turned out to be very, very easy, and will hopefully remain very, very easy. Our first homework reminded me a lot of the high school busy work, which was nice to revisit. I have also visited an Architecture museum, and toured the sewers of Paris for the site visits! The sewers were very stinky, but everything we learned was very interesting. Our actual classes have been held in the park, and I have found it very hard to pay attention in the beautiful sunshine!

I have learned that when Napoleon reigned, he completely restructured the city of Paris. He built roads where he wanted them, and made them much more wide. A couple of reasons for this were so that it was easier for the military to travel through the city. He also implemented that buildings should only be about six stories in height. This was so that the city had a very aesthetically pleasing veiw for a person standing in the street. Napoleon III also pushed for a cleaner city, and helped to implement the sewer system. Here are a couple of pictures of touring that sewer!

The Pantheon

The Pantheon

Arya, Katy, and Saba

Caitlin in the smelly sewer!

Group shot outside of the sewer entrance with the Eiffel Tower

Walking through the Latin Quarter

Latin Quarter

I got a surprise message that Taylor Lykes is coming to Paris earlier than expected. I am super excited to see her Sunday morning and guide her around the city, even though I have much more to learn! Apparently, I do look french though because an abnormal amount of people try to converse to me. They could be speaking Parseltongue for all I know. I wish I could understand - it would make things a lot more fun!

We went to a cute little pastry place called Laduree while walking the Champs Elysee. Of course, I got chocolate. It was so very rich, but I was determined to eat the whole thing, even if it made me puke afterwards! During this walk up and down the Champs Elysee, I got to see the Arc de Triumphe, which is extremely cool. In one direction, you can see the Louve, and in the other, the L' Arche or la Defense. The la Defense is a modern day representation of the Arc de Triumphe. I have been told that we will get to visit a couple of construction sites in the more modern, skyscraperish, side of Paris.

I finally had my banana and nutella crepe, and it was definitely worth the wait. So delicious. Why do they not have these in America? A couple of things that I have been missing from back home, besides you all, of course, is Chick fil a and my TV shows. I have been told that Grey's Anatomy was extremely intense, and I haven't been able to watch it!! Other than that, I think I could stay here for ever.

Anyways, I love the group that I am with. Caitlin was told in confidance by all the boys, that I have been dubbed the crazy, fun girl - not too bad of a reputation to have, but I promise I haven't been that crazy! Things have been a blast, and I even have lots of things to look forward to in the upcoming weeks - Taylor visiting, Rachel visiting, and then Brussels and Amsterdam!!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy yourself, I miss europe so much. Paris and Amsterdam are both beautiful cities, though so so different.
